Monday, June 26, 2006

The Thin Red Line (1998)

Synopsis: It describes the activities of a platoon that has to take an island from the Japanese in WWII.

Appraisal: Through the use of flashback, voiceover and a hypnotic soundtrack, war acquires here a mystical dimension. Each character occupies a small fraction of screen time, but makes a lasting impression. The natural landscape is used in a very effective way, for contrast and commentary. The taking of the hill is competently staged and makes for a thrilling action sequence. The whole of the movie is quite successful at delivering a view of the war that expresses anguish and interrogation. I guess one has to be in a war to really know what it is like, but this film pretty much felt like being there to me. I only wish I had seen it on the big screen. 

Rating: 66

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