Friday, June 30, 2006

Pay It Forward (2000)

Synopsis: A kid comes up with this idea for a project in the Social Studies class: a person has to do a good deed to three persons, and each of these persons has to do the same, and so forth. 

Appraisal: This is a stupid movie, and it's hard even to review it because it makes so little sense that I don't know where to start. I thought of beginning by bashing the whole idea of the chain as misguided, but in fact then I would be assuming that the film advocates it, which is not clear, since the results of the characters's deeds are not clearly positive in most cases, and very negative in some. If, on the other hand, the filmmaker were trying to demonstrate the futility of that sort of idea through a series of disasters, maybe throw some comedy in, who knows, perhaps it could work. But the film verges definitely on the sentimental side, so I was left wondering, what's the point of the story? If it were just a prop for interesting stories, then it would have been justified. But the dramatic stories are so tritely developed that there is no salvation from that angle either. I could not see a point to this film. 

Rating: 29

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