Monday, June 26, 2006

The Last Days of Disco (1998)

Synopsis: Two young women live, work and go to disco houses together. 

Appraisal: I loved what I could understand of this picture, which I think was around 80% of it. Certain parts I played several times, and still could not make out what they were saying. Anyway, as I said, what I did understand was enough to ensure my unconditional love for this movie. It has strong characters and memorable dialogue (the lines I could make out, that is), and perfect narrative timing and pace. Also, it has a superb ending, discreetly but effectively romantic. All actors were absolutely perfect, even the ones with smaller roles. It is a film I will want to watch again. Even though I was never a clubber myself, the kind of atmosphere the film evoked got to me, and made me share the characters' sense of loss at the end of an era. I am including it as the 16th position among my favorites of 1998. 

Rating: 70

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