Monday, April 28, 2008

I Dream of Jeannie: G.I. Jeannie (1965) (TV)

Synopsis [spoilers]: Jeannie is jealous of Tony's beautiful new secretary, and expresses the wish to be his secretary instead of her. Tony informs her that she would have to belong to the Air Force in order to be hired as a secretary -- he hopes that they will send her to Africa, where they are short of staff. She joins the Air Force but no one will assign her a secretarial job; instead she gets other positions -- nurse, jeep driver, telecommunications operator -- in which she displays total incompetence; she eventually gets her desired secretarial job, but then Tony is being transferred to another town where he will not be needing a secretary. She says she will quit the service, and Tony says the only way they will release her is if she proves herself totally incompetent or harmful in some way; she then blinks Tony's office into a total mess.

Saw it dubbed in Portuguese.

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