Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Dog's Life (1918)

Synopsis [spoilers]: The Tramp is sleeping in a vacant lot; he tries to steal some sausages from the seller across the fence, but is spotted by a policeman; he flees; he sees some dogs attack one little dog over a chunk of food; he rescues the little dog; he stops by a lunch tent; he steals some food; he goes to a dancing hall, where he befriends one of the place's singers; meanwhile in the street a guy is mugged by two men -- his wallet is stolen; they are chased by the police, but one of them escapes and buries the money in the same vacant lot in which the Tramp sleeps; the dog finds the money; they go to the dancing hall, but the thugs are already there and steal the wallet back from the Tramp; the Tramp hides behind a curtain next to where the thugs are sitting, and from there he knocks one of the thugs out, and plays him like a puppeteer, sort of; he gets the other thug to give him half the money, and then knocks him out too, and takes the rest of it; he is caught; they are all chased by the police; the dog steals the wallet and gives it to the girl; they buy some land in the country and become farmers; they take the dog with them; it has puppies.
Note: I saw the version contained in The Chaplin Revue (1959), with duration 32:30 min.

Appraisal: The ingenuity of the whole structure, as well as the skill displayed in individual set-pieces are enough for a jolly good time.

Rating: 70

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