Friday, May 02, 2008

The Munsters: Grandpa's Call of the Wild (1965) (TV)

Synopsis [spoilers]: Eddie asks his father to take him camping. Herman agrees and they all except Marilyn go camping in a park. When they get there Herman sets up their tent; Lily asks him to move it so they would stay out of the sun, but Herman moves a tree instead. Herman is fishing for their lunch but he is so strong that the line goes beyond the lake, landing on other people's food -- he brings a fried fish, then a roast chicken, and so on. At night, Grandpa feels nostalgic when he hears the howling of the wolves. They all go to sleep except for Grandpa who says he will stay a while longer enjoying the night air. The next morning, he has vanished. They hear the news that the park guards have captured a Transylvanian wolf, and they know of course that it's Grandpa who has morphed into a wolf. Lily claims it to the park supervisor, but he says he can't hand it over to Lily. Lily tells Grandpa-wolf to morph back into human form, but he says he can't remember how. When night falls, Herman goes to Grandpa's cage and breaks the locker, freeing Grandpa. They all decide to return home, but they have a problem: how to cross the gate without the wolf being seen by the park guards? Lily disguises the wolf as a stole, and nobody notices it. At home, they give Grandpa an anti-wolf serum to make him go back to his human guise.

Saw it dubbed in Portuguese.

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