Friday, May 02, 2008

The Munsters: Grandpa Leaves Home (1964) (TV)

Synopsis [spoilers]: Grandpa has an argument with Herman and Lily over some petty issues (an open window, noises Grandpa does when Herman is reading) and decides to leave home. Herman tells Lily to pretend indifference -- he thinks Grandpa is just trying to attract attention. Several days later, though, he hasn't returned and Lily starts to worry; they find an ad in the newspaper announcing Grandpa as a magician in a nightclub. They phone him there and he says he is doing very well on his own, and his show is a big success. The truth, however, is quite the opposite: his boss at the nightclub has threatened to fire him if the show fails to please his customers once again. Herman and Lily decide to go to the nightclub that evening to watch Grandpa; the latter is doing a different act that evening: like Harry Houdini, he has them lock him inside a chest and promises to get out of there in ten seconds without any human assistance. When he fails to break out of there after some minutes, Herman goes on stage and opens the chest. Grandpa is surprised to see him and asks him to close the chest again. The nightclub owner then opens it again and there is a wolf inside; he is scared and lets it close again, but it immediately reopens and Grandpa appears, in his human form. The show is a big success and Grandpa is invited to perform on the East Coast, but he has realized his family is more important than his career and decides to go back home and quit show business.

Saw it dubbed in Portuguese.

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