Friday, May 02, 2008

The Munsters: Eddie's Nickname (1965) (TV)

Synopsis [spoilers]: Eddie comes home from school very upset because his classmates gave him the nickname "Shorty". Grandpa fixes a potion which he says will make him grow 15 centimeters. Eddie drinks it and instead of increasing his stature, the potion grows a beard in him. His parents take him to the doctor -- Eddie wears a paperbag mask so that people won't see his face -- and the prognosis is that there is no cure for his condition. During dinner, Grandpa tries to comfort Eddie by telling him that he will make him his partner in his future business of selling the potion as a cure for baldness -- a 40% partnership, since "you don't give 50% to a 10-year-old kid". Eddie inadvertently wets his beard in his soup, and the wet portion of the beard disintegrates; it disappears completely by applying a cloth soaked in soup to his face, and so he is cured. Lily is very happy, although she confesses that she doesn't know how that reflects on her culinary skills. Herman gives Eddie a sermon about how he shouldn't worry about his height or appearance, because what matters is one's good heart and strength of character.

Saw it dubbed in Portuguese.

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