Saturday, August 05, 2006

Los lunes al sol (2002)

U.S. Title: Mondays in the Sun.

Synopsis: A group of unemployed stowers and their problems.

Appraisal: Despite the excellent performance by its leading actor, good performances by the rest of the cast, and a certain competence in the mise-en-scene, this film has serious shortcomings. The dialogue is often lame and/or of questionable taste (a husband compares his wife with a mermaid; another weaves a practically incomprehensible metaphorical tale about the siamese; and others). Some of the behavior displayed lacks credibility (e.g. the bank sequence; the hair dying; and others). The film has an undeniable self-indulgent feel, as if its makers had assumed that its alleged social resonance would be a safe-conduct to artistic achievement.

Rating: 47

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