Thursday, October 19, 2006

Yasmin (2004)

Synopsis: Yasmin is a Englishwoman of Pakistani ascendence who got married to a Pakistani man so that he can obtain an English visa. She has a job and likes one of her colleagues, a white man.
Appraisal: Intelligent drama showing how the events of 9/11/2001 changed the lives in the Pakistani community in London. It shows the growth of prejudice against members of that community, as well as violations of their rights by the police. The reactions of the different characters to this process are seen, and the film shows how the excessive brutality of the English police, as well as the defamatory treatment to which the Pakistani-English were subjected by their colleagues, so-called friends, and even street passers-by, drove people closer to Islamism and in some cases even right into Fundamentalism and Terrorism.
Rating: 61

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