Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Raffles (1939)

Synopsis: Raffles is a cricket player that apparently can't make a living out of his playing, so he has to resort to stealing in order to afford to pay his bills; he also likes to help people in financial trouble.
Appraisal: Amazingly eventful and complex for its 72 minutes, and displaying a set of uniformly good performances, this is a dated but enjoyable comedy (I employ the term in a broad sense -- there are no laughs to be had in it; my cable-TV guide classifies it as an adventure -- it is spent mostly indoors though; IMDb classifies it as an adventure/comedy/drama/romance, which is probably correct, since it contains elements of all four genres, but is also a way of not classifying it at all). It disappointed me a little in its last minutes, because of two sequences with a can of tobacco that pointlessly tease and confuse the viewer, and also because of the somewhat abrupt ending.
Rating: 56

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