Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Moral em Concordata (1959)

Synopsis: Estrela works hard as a housewife and as a seamstress and is helped by her sister, a cabaret dancer who is about to become the mistress of a married man. When Estrela's cheating, authoritarian, violent husband leaves her and kidnaps their baby, she faces some challenging dilemmas.
Appraisal: This is a strictly petit-bourgeois morality play that is nevertheless made surprisingly compelling by its sharp social observation and its vivid mise-en-scene. The script has a few flaws that betray its stage origins, e.g. the process of recovery of the baby from its father is skipped entirely, making the film somewhat disjointed and abrupt in its middle section. The acting is professional, but not exceptional. The production values are higher than average for Brazilian movies of that period. It is distinctly superior than "Dona Violante Miranda", made by the same team and reviewed by me a while ago.
Rating: 54

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