Sunday, February 17, 2019

The Woman (2011)

While hunting in the woods, a man spots a woman who appears to be living as a wild beast. He captures her and takes her to his cellar, where he keeps her as a captive, engaging his entire family in the process of taming her. Some unexpected events, however, lead to a crisis.

Interesting, if overly violent, familial horror drama. To be frank, all through my viewing I probably misunderstood some of the aspects of the plot and consequently the ideology of the movie. Some viewers seem to have suffered the same setback. Thus I mistook this film for a brutally feminist manifesto, but certain plot points introduce some nuances into it which put that interpretation into question. I will not enter into much detail here, as some readers might want to watch the movie with a fresh mind, and have a full enjoyment of all its surprises. Suffice it to say that a certain plot twist hints at an explanation (which of course is not a justification) for the behavior of the main male character, and that explanation involves his wife. I say 'hints' because the exact way things happened is not explicitly stated in the movie. Anyway, to sum my assessment up, this is a movie which starts out as an intelligent and intriguing drama and shifts into a shock-oriented horror movie in its latter half; that shift is not totally felicitous.

Rating: 60

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