Friday, February 15, 2019

Hello, Dolly! (1969)

Based on the homonymous Broadway musical (1964), which was in turn based on the play The Matchmaker (1954) by Thornton Wilder, in turn based on that same author's earlier play The Merchant of Yonkers (1938), itself partially derived from the musical play Einen Jux will er sich machen (tr. He Will Go on a Spree) (1842), by Johann Nestroy, which was, in turn, and finally, an adaptation of the play A Day Well Spent (1835), by John Oxenford.

A seed merchant from the provinces seeks a wife in the big city. Coincidentally his employees profit from his absence to look for adventures in the same city as him. In a final coincidence, his daughter elopes with her sweetheart, both taking that same destination. A matchmaker has designs on marrying said merchant; chance and her interference will bring them all together.

This is a seriously flawed musical, for reasons which have been abundantly covered in reviews. It's still a watchable movie, its main assets being a few nice songs and a stunning production design.

Rating: 40

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