Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Ariel (1988)

A miner loses his job when the mine at which he worked is closed. He decides to relocate to a big city. On the way he is robbed of all his money. In the big city, he gets a job, gets a girlfriend, and gets into trouble.

In one scene, we see the main character reading a comic book in jail. In another, it is his girlfriend's son who is reading one (this time the comics are recognizable as Falk's The Phantom). The mental level of all the characters, no matter their age, is thus revealed as the same, and it is only natural that the narrative style does not stray from a comic book's. There is nothing remotely challenging about Ariel. For a Brazilian local, there is a certain strangeness in the notion of social problems such as the ones depicted in this movie happening in a country such as Finland. In the end, the destination is Mexico and all I could think is that this time he better keep out of jail, because, after a stay in the Finnish penal system, he wouldn't enjoy much the Mexican one.

Rating: 40

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