Friday, May 10, 2013

Young Mr. Lincoln (1939)

Second viewing; first was on June 3, 1990.

Inspired by events in the life of the famous American president.

A beginning lawyer with humble origins accepts to defend two brothers accused of murdering a man. This lawyer is a very cunning man, and has great rhetorical ability too.

This is basically a courtroom drama, with a prologue telling a little of the lawyer's previous life. The reason for this prologue is obviously the intention of rising up to the movie's title. In fact, the two parts of the movie, albeit both good, do not connect a great deal with one another. I have never been a big fan of biopics because of this type of "impure" structure. But I cannot decide whether Young Mr. Lincoln is a worse film because of that; anyway I am sure it has a refined script and a very intelligent central performance. I am not much of a reviewer, and thus could not instantly write anything that even remotely would do justice to the many facets of the film. If, however, I am allowed to pick an angle, I will say that the stupidity of the masses (which never changes) against the intelligence of one man is an important theme of this film; I would go further and say that the intelligence of one man consists mainly of acknowledging the stupidity of the masses (and that it never changes).

Rating: 85 (unchanged)

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