Friday, May 17, 2013

West Side Story (1961)

Second viewing; first was on January 16, 1987.

Two youth gangs, one of whites and the other of Puerto Ricans, fight for dominance in the New York West Side; a Puerto Rican girl falls in love with a white boy.

I didn't have a bad time (re)watching this, and I think this is overwhelmingly due to the music (and, in most cases, also the lyrics, I should add). The choreography is OK, I suppose, but there just isn't enough in it to justify the praise it has received over the years (but mind you I am talking about the movie, not the play,which I haven't seen). The dramatic side is not without flaws, but the basic plotline and a few scenes I found moving, even knowing that in many aspects it is not realistic.
The excellent "Officer Krupke" lyrics is mind-blowingly appropriate to the historical moment that my country is going through, even with the caveat that these kids are way nicer than Brazilian young hoodlums.

Rating: 65 (up from 50)

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