Saturday, July 14, 2007

Munich (2005)

Synopsis: Members of a Palestinian organization kill the Israeli athletes in Munich during the 1972 Olympics. The Israeli government assemble a team of assassins with the mission of tracking the killers down and killing them.

Appraisal: Not very exciting as an action movie; as a psychological and political drama, it rarely departs from commonplace qualms of conscience and similarly tired stuff. I was amazed at what a retarded bunch this is: the bomb maker is a complete amateur; the other guy falls into the "honey trap" even after he has been explicitly warned about it; their source is absolutely unreliable (by the way, why were they lodged in the same house with Palestinians? was it a trap set up by Louis? to what purpose?). The astoundingly pointless and senseless sequence near the end, wherein our hero has sex with his wife while he imagines the athletes' murder, has a secured place among cinema's very worst.

Rating: 36

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