Friday, August 05, 2022

Pistoleiro Bossa Nova (1960)

 Several people in a train are heading towards a small town. An easily frightened man ('Inocêncio') and his comrade are looking for a quiet place where the former can soothe his nerves; a man whose uncle died is going to take possession of the pharmacy he inherited; a theatrical troupe is going to perform there. It so happens that the train suffers a raid by bandits who want to steal some explosives. They, however, flee the instant they see Inocêncio, who is a lookalike of a notorious gunfighter. Inocêncio's comrade convinces him to go along with the error, and thus Inocêncio is put in charge of defending the town from the bandits.

Modest Brazilian comedy (with two musical numbers and a dance one) who bears some mild similarities to The Paleface and Son of Paleface. It's not really funny, but may be watched easily if one is not in a demanding mood. Most internet sites give some erroneous information about it, citing two actresses in the role of character 'Pequenina', one of whom is not even in the movie. 

Rating: 34

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