Sunday, September 30, 2018

Um Candango na Belacap (1961)

Four variety artists form two male-female duos. At first the duos are racially mixed, one from Brasília and the other from Rio; they all meet in Brasília. After a partner exchange in Rio, they become a white duo and a black one (the latter also becomes a married couple). After a conflict with their scheming boss they decide to start their own nightclub in Rio.

Musical comedy with a plot which perhaps might be construed as an allegorical reflection on the race situation in Brazil. The plot development is tedious and the comicity is poor, except in the elaborate musical numbers, above the average of Brazilian productions and certainly the better part of this movie. As a side note, the word 'candango'  here is a designation of the first inhabitants of Brasília, and 'belacap', from what I gathered, refers to Rio de Janeiro and is a contraction of 'bela capital' (beautiful capital), as opposed to 'novacap', which stands for 'nova capital' (new capital), i.e., Brasília.

Rating: 31

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