Monday, September 10, 2018

O Barbeiro que Se Vira (1957)

Based on the play The Barber of Seville, by Pierre Beaumarchais, written in 1773.

Rosinha, an orphan, loves Leonardo, but Clementino, who is her stepfather and tutor, does not consent to their marriage because he wants her to marry Basílio, her piano teacher. Unbeknownst to her, Clementino has made a financial agreement with Basílio through which the former will get most of Rosinha's fortune in the event of her marriage with Basílio. The town barber, who is also dentist, pharmacist and veterinary, dislikes Clementino and feels for poor Rosinha, whom he tries to help. When Leonardo is arrested for a theft which was really committed by Basílio, the barber dresses as Rosinha's seamstress and, after releasing Leonardo from jail, heads to Clementino's house; Leonardo goes along, dressed as a female assistant to the seamstress.  Inside the house, they reach Rosinha and try to think of a way to prevent her wedding from taking place.
*end of spoilers*

Musical comedy with more plot than laughs. The comic star is a former circus clown who repeats here some of the shticks which became his trademarks in his previous career. He is not a great comic, but his performance is serviceable. The musical numbers are not very memorable either, but they too are serviceable.

Rating: 31

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