Friday, September 28, 2018

Meteorango Kid, Herói Intergalático (1969)

A day in the life of a youth in a big Brazilian city. He is a nihilist who spends his time smoking hemp, having sex, hanging out with friends, etc.

Amateurishly made sillines which tries to be a sort of snapshot of the late 60s' zeitgeist, but is probably closer to being a snapshot of the author's mind. If anything is to be made of the plot, it is that the seeds of revolution do not produce healthy trees in Brazil, but rather teratological ones. Ironically, this outwardly amoral tale won an award from the Catholic Church. Perhaps they, not entirely without reason, saw in it an implicit denunciation of the terrible effects of an education devoid of a moral reference. Also, they probably have approved of the association of cannabis, violent crime, and irrationality, an association which the film seems to imply. What I find curious is that films like this, which are seen only by a handful of students of cinema and hardcore cinephiles, are Brazilians' idea of 'cult movies'. There is a widespread mistake in that country -- probably derived from the popular meaning of the Portuguese word 'cultura' -- which misassociates the word 'cult' with hermeticity, intellectualism, or erudition.

Rating: 25

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