Thursday, May 08, 2014

Bedazzled (1967)

Second viewing, first with the original audio. Previously seen on September 21, 2001.

A humble cook at a fast-food joint is highly dissatisfied with his life, in particular with his inability to attract the attention of a fellow worker. After a desperate act, he is approached by a guy who claims to be the devil.

Comical version of the Faustian legend which is based on the relatively simple idea of the difficulty of translating our desires into precise words. It would be so obviously easier for him to simply state his wish as "I want to be happy", and yet... But the film is much more than the demonstration of a thesis, it is a visual and verbal feast of sophistication and vulgarity, and funny in either mode. An example of genius: the idea of having an effeminate man to be the incarnation of Envy. I reckon not everyone will appreciate this kind of thing (among others), which may explain why this is another of those rare cases in which I bestow a film a better rating than the average IMDB voter.

Watched in pan-and-scan.

Rating: 72 (up from 70)

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