Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sicko (2007)

Documentary about the private health care business in the U.S., and a tour through countries where public health care is available to everyone.

A truly miraculous film, not because it is perfect -- it is not -- or exhaustive -- far from it; but simply because it exists, and by existing reveals the really poignant situation of the richest country of the world. If you take out the interesting but slightly misrepresenting final section -- the Guantanamo and Cuba tours -- it becomes almost perfect, yet perhaps less entertaining. This film is not the final word on the subject but may the gods permit it becomes the first of many. Here are some suggestions for further inquiries -- by way of film, television, book, whatever: public financing of political campaigns, nationalization of banks, universal free access to university education, etc.

Rating: 75 (one of my favorite movies)

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