Monday, January 05, 2009

Mark of the Renegade (1951)

Based on the serialized novel Don Renegade (1st published 1939) by Johnston McCulley.

The action is set on the 19th Century. A man is transported by pirates from Mexico to California, which is a Mexican province. He bears a letter R branded on his forehead, which means he is a renegade. In California he meets a nobleman who blackmails him into courting the daughter of an important Republican man. It's all part of a plot to destabilize the Republic and make way for said nobleman to make himself emperor of California.

The plot makes no sense (funniest absurdity: the hero wears a strip of cloth around his head at all times, to cover his renegade mark), a fact which reduces the potential interest to the series of chases, brawls, dances, and sword fights, some of which try to balance the dramatic plot with a certain lightness or comicity. The cast is good and the pace of the movie, plus its short duration, make it endurable.

Rating: 31

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