Tuesday, June 03, 2008

La collana della suocera (?)

It is comprised of four different parts taken from unidentified Larry Semon (1889-1928?) films, spliced together. The first segment takes place in a cabaret named The Blue Squirrel Cafe; Larry's girl is a dancer apparently held there against her will, and so Larry invades the place and rescues her. In the second segment Larry and his girlfriend (which looks very different from the girl in the first segment) arrive at a farm and Larry is expelled by the girl's father who starts shooting at him and hits his car's gasoline tank; the third segment features Larry against some jewel thieves; Larry is on the rooftop of a house shooting at the bad guys; the cops then arrive and start chasing both Larry and the thieves, apparently; in the fourth and last segment Larry is a prison inmate in his cell; there is a girl with a chimpanzee and some puppies; Larry kisses her and then, inadvertently, the chimp.

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