Monday, December 04, 2006

Tenemos 18 años (1959)

English titles: We Are 18 Years Old; When We Were 18.
Synopsis: Two 18 year old Spanish girls take a trip to Andalucía in an old jalopy (or imagine it).
Appraisal: In this film, the line between fact and imagination is extremely blurred. It is not clear whether the trip actually happened or not. Anyway, most events are clearly imaginary, since the action is repeatedly cut to the girls' room where they discuss a piece of fiction one of them has written which happens to narrate the events that took place immediately before. I didn't understand much of the dialogue, since I have trouble understanding spoken Spanish. The stories concocted by the two girls visit the crime, horror and comedy genres. In the horror segment the protagonist is a vampire whose adventures span several centuries and countries. Interestingly, he becomes deformed after one of his victims throws acid at his face -- as in Phantom of the Opera (1943). This shows that, although Gritos en la noche (1962) was obviously inspired by Les yeux sans visage (1960), Franco had the face deformity motif in mind even before the latter film came out.
Rating: somewhere between 25 and 45 (the exact number would depend on the dialogue that I have missed.)

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