Sunday, December 31, 2006

Gritos en la noche (1962)

English titles: The Awful Dr. Orloff; Cries in the Night.
Synopsis: A surgeon uses a blind assistant to kidnap young women so that he can use their skin on his daughter's burned face.
Appraisal: Mainly a rip-off of Les yeux sans visage (1960) but also The Dark Eyes of London (1940), and marginally a few others -- check this site out for a more thorough list of references. This film is not completely bad, although too talky and occasionally exploitative. It has some atmosphere though, and some shots are impressively eerie. The idea of a blind assistant for this kind of job is one of the most ludicrous I have ever come across. This is the kind of nonsense that should kill the horror yet strangely it does not. However, I really cannot assess this film with any accuracy since I could not grasp much of the dialogue -- it was dubbed in French and I am not a good French listener.
Rating: between 30 and 45

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