Friday, September 08, 2006

Sud sanaeha (2002)

English Title: Blissfully Yours.
Synopsis: Min is an illegal Burmese immigrant in Thailand; he has a skin disease and is accompanied to the doctor by his Thai girlfriend Roong and an older woman named Orn. In the afternoon, Min takes Roong to a picnic in a remote bucolic area.
Appraisal: BY belongs to a film trend that believes that films should reproduce reality in its most banal details. If the characters take a trip to the country, for example, the car ride must by all means be included in its entirety in the film, even if there is nothing but road and trees to be shown. Although it might be claimed that this philosophy of filmmaking shows some disregard concerning a crucial element in the art of cinema, namely, the viewer, it is also true that some viewers were delighted precisely by this quality of real-time-ness (to each his own, I guess). They apparently cherish the subjective experience of sitting in a theater and immersing into an alternate reality, with much the same characteristics of our own, including the same rhythm of time flow.
That being said, I acknowledge some merit to this film. Its slow pace does produce now and then a feeling of intimacy with the characters that might not be achieved with an excessively dynamic editing; and, sure, there is a lyrical quality to the two young lovers's 'splendor in the grass', to which the final captions add a perspective that makes it all the more poignant, in retrospect.
Rating: 41

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