Saturday, September 02, 2006

Abismu (1977)

There is no plot to this film, and even some of the plots that are posted at some Brazilian Internet sites are completely bogus. The film is simply a collage featuring four characters: a woman that drives around with a big cigar in her mouth, a mad scientist with long fingernails who mostly hangs around a giant telescope, a hitman that is somehow associated with said scientist, and a medium that foretells some kind of catastrophe or revolution in long, ludicrous monologues; there is also a fifth character that appears in the beginning of the movie, but I don't know what he stands for. The film is suffused mostly with late 60's rock music by one famous guitar player, and there are inserts from one of his concerts. The film appears to be a psychedelic parody of those 'new age' theories that were so popular in the seventies and eighties, but lacks much structure or elaboration; it doesn't differ a lot from a home movie that any person would make should they feel inclined to do so; the medium character is my favorite and at least one of his monologues (happening at approximately 50 minutes after the beginning of the film) is extremely ludicrous.
Rating: 8

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