Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Paper (1994)

Synopsis: This film shows the inners of a newspaper office; the outside fact driving most of the action is the murder of two white businessmen and the subsequent arrest of two innocent black men.
Appraisal: This film doesn't make the littlest effort to stay away from clichés. There is the workaholic reporter, who is constantly at odds with his insensitive female supervisor. There is also the old boss who is sick and wants to make peace with his estranged daughter. Etc, etc. The screenplay pushes the situations to extremes, and it is not always very plausible at that. But, all that being said, the film is enjoyable; it has a hectic rhythm (I guess it should too, since it portrays a newspaper office), and, while I wouldn't call it thrilling, it does hold a viewer's attention.
Rating: 56

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