Friday, January 22, 2021

Attention: une femme peut en cacher une autre! (1983)

English title: My Other Husband 

Alice has two families in two different cities. She is married with Philippe, an airplane pilot with whom she has a boy. They live in Paris where she works as a nurse. She has another job as a physiotherapist at a seaside town where she lives with Vincent, a schoolteacher with whom she has a boy and a girl.

The 1978 Brazilian movie Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands seems to have sparked some worldwide interest in female bigamy (or biandry), having spawned an American remake and this similarly themed French movie. This one is probably the dullest of the three. Despite the unconventional central situation, what we have here is an extremely conventional script and characters which fail to generate much empathy from the viewer.

Rating: 30

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