Saturday, April 04, 2020

I pugni in tasca (1965)

English titles: Fists in the Pocket; Fist in the Pocket

It depicts an impoverished family living in a big house. The father is absent, presumably dead; the mother is blind; the three sons and a daughter are, respectively: Alessandro, who has incestuous feelings towards Giulia, who in turn has incestuous feelings towards Augusto; there is also Leone, an idiot. Augusto wants to marry Lucia, but has no money.

Drama with interesting and well acted individual sequences, but psychologically inconsistent as a whole. It reportedly caused a commotion among the filmviewing elite who saw it upon its release, but its predictability makes it ultimately ineffective as a shock piece. Also, must they really have two epileptics in the same family?

As for the title, Spiritoso78 at says:

"fists in your pockets it could mean that you can no longer stand the situation around you; basically you're fed up about everything surrounding your everyday life, therefore sooner or later you'll blow up.....and then you'll pull your fists out!"

Rating: 44

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