Thursday, March 12, 2020

Commando (1985)

Second viewing; previously viewed in 1986.

John, a former U.S. Special Forces colonel, has his daughter kidnapped by Arius, a former Latin American president who was deposed by a U.S. special unit led by John. Arius demands that John kill the current president which was instated in place of Arius, if he wants his daughter back alive.

Over-the-top actioner not devoid of entertainment value in the way of stunts and chases. The movie completely puts aside any concerns over plausibility, as the hero is seen liquidating vast numbers of armed enemies and only suffering a minor wound, among other outrageous stuff. But its stunts are well made, and it has a fast pace that keeps it watchable throughout. It's best not to think about the movie's premise though: the 'good' guys in this film stand for American intervention in sovereign countries, which operates under the guise of the defense of liberalism worldwide, and is probably great for a small number of interested parties, but not so great for world peace or for the majority of the American people.

Rating: 31 (up from 12)

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