Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Tropic Thunder (2008)

The director of a war movie, under the advice of the source book's author, decides to turn it into a cinéma vérité experiment without telling the actors about it. As a result, they get involved in dangerous situations.

This is a satire of much of the Hollywood filmography of the 1980s and 1990s. The humor is occasionally of a predictable kind, but spot-on nevertheless. As has been remarked, the opening faux commercial and trailers are the funniest part of the movie. All the actors do an excellent job, and have been very smartly chosen for their parts. Overall, entertaining enough.

Note: If I haven't made any calculation mistake (I had to time the commercials and subtract them), the version I watched was 113 minutes long. Oddly, it doesn't match in length either of the versions which IMDB lists.

Rating: 59

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