Thursday, February 27, 2020

Akira (1988)

Second viewing, sort of; previous viewing (in February 2, 2003) was somewhat compromised by stretches of sleep during the film; previous viewing was of a dubbed-in-Portuguese copy.

After a nuclear explosion destroys Tokyo, it is reconstructed. The government is conducting research on some individuals endowed with psychokinetic and extrasensory powers. One of them is kidnapped by an underground organization. During his recapture, the government agents take a teenager (Tetsuo) into custody and find out that he is also endowed with special powers. Apparently one such individual (Akira) had been responsible by the catastrophe which destroyed Tokyo. His remains are cryogenically kept at a secret location. Tetsuo escapes and threatens to provoke another catastrophe.

Specifically targeted at teenage audiences, this features lots of mayhem and shouting, and some impressive visuals. There is a bit of social and political comment seving as background to the main plot which suggests the existence of a dark underside of corruption, decay and unrest to Japan's apparently thriving society. Overall, it provides decent entertainment.

Rating: 50 (down from 66)

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