Monday, October 07, 2019

From Hell to Texas (1958)

A man, acting in self defense, causes the death of a rich rancher's son, who rounds up his other sons and personnel to exact revenge. The man is on his way to meet his estranged father. There is a long chase, during which the rancher's men take the worst, even though the man they are after is averse to killing on a matter of principle.

Although well filmed, and filled with enough incident as to entertain, if only barely, this is a film that has little to offer in terms of substance, except for a very ridiculous premise which leaves the viewer suspicious of some hidden mockery. It is not clear who might be the target of that mockery, but possible candidates would be the Christian religion, or perhaps the cinematic tradition of separating the world into heroes and villains and ascribing a much gentler nature to the former, which does not prevent them from winning every time.

Rating: 36

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