Monday, October 14, 2019

Fancy Pants (1950)

A theatrical company is hired to impersonate some aristocrats by a young man trying to woo a young woman and impress her family. Said family especially likes the butler and hires him (not knowing he is really an actor), taking him to live with them in an American Western town. There is further confusion as the people in that town think the 'butler' is really an English aristocrat, and thus his employers decide to go along with it and make him impersonate an aristocrat. The story goes around and the President of the U.S. himself decides to visit that family. The 'aristocrat' proposes a fox hunt.

This has to be one of the unfunniest movies of all times, which is probably why Americans like it so much. The humor is so overdone, and the main character is so devoid of consistency, that one suspects this was all done with the purpose of achieving a new low in comicity. On the other hand, the production values are extremely high, and the actors are extremely competent. The contrast between these assets and the poorness of the script produces a sense of waste and absurdity which paradoxically may arouse a perverse curiosity in the viewer.

Rating: 31

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