Monday, June 08, 2015

Le cercle rouge (1970)

Second viewing; first viewed on January 25, 1998

English title: The Red Circle

A man who has just been released from prison teams up with a fugitive from police custody and an alcoholic ex-policeman who is an expert marksman in the spectacular robbery of a jewelry store. The police detective from whose custody the second man escaped leads the investigation to catch them.

Strangely compelling, slow-moving policier. Crime is a sordid business which the fiction machine transforms into a seductive dreamworld very much analogous to a casino where desperate characters lay all their chips on one job, and callous lawmen eschew ethics in the pursuit of their goals. Both cops and robbers lead lives on the margin of society. You could say this is Rififi on ice. A curious bit of dialogue is when detective Mattei's chief wonders about the race of his subordinate ("he has blond hair and light eyes, he's very much unlike a Corsican"). If you care to read some reviews, I suggest Christopher Mulrooney's and Ted Goranson (tedg)'s (in both cases, you will have to browse the page).

Rating: 66 (unchanged)

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