Sunday, June 28, 2015

A Pensão da D. Estela (1956)

The film depicts the life of the dwellers at a boarding house during a few days. The owner is a widow and has marrying designs on one of the customers, who is her accountant and has a mistress on the side. The latter shows up unexpectedly at the boarding house one day and decides to become a guest too. The owner's daughter is a singer who dates an unemployed young doctor. The new cleaning lady is also a struggling singer. Another customer is a monarchist who never pays his rent. And there is also a solitary woman who pretends to be married. The boarding house has a mortgage which has to be payed but there is no money.

Very tame comedy which was very successful in Brazil when it came out. Here you can find some stills and a text in Portuguese with some information.

Rating: 31

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