Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Jane Austen Book Club (2007)

Several women and one man get together to discuss the novels by the titular writer. They draw parallels between the works and their personal lives.

Formulaic chick flick, which draws on a notion that is both dangerous to life and demeaning to art: that you can use 19th-century fiction to illuminate 21st-century lives. As is always the case with chick flicks, the main purpose of a woman's life is to be in a "fulfilling" relationship. As for Austen, I only read one of her novels, and saw a bunch of film adaptations, practically none of which were retained in my memory. Perhaps the movie would seem better with that extra knowledge (and the original audio, instead of the Portuguese-dubbed one). As it is, it only entertained me superficially.

Rating: 40

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