Sunday, July 28, 2013

The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)

Second viewing; the first was on April 28, 1987.

A spaceship lands in Washington, D.C., with one passenger and a robot. It has come on a mission: to give an important message to the leaders of Earth's nations.

Although full of plot holes, the film is moderately fun to watch, and has some interesting ideas. Also interesting are the similarities it bears with the story of Jesus (there is even a resurrection), which reportedly were intended as a private joke from the screenwriter which did not stay completely private after all. The more or less consensual interpretation seems to be that the film intends to do what the aliens in the film did, that is, warn people about the dangers of atomic weapons. If it is so, the way it chose to do it is a little odd, and hardly of assured efficacy.

Rating: 52 (down from 56)

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