Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Black Rose (1950)

Set in early medieval times, this film begins in an England torn by the enmity between conqueror Normans and conquered Saxons. A young Saxon receives a small inheritance and goes to Asia in search of adventure, taking his best friend with him. He enlists in an army under a warlord who is bent on conquering China.

The adventure fails to thrill, although it seems that at the time the movie was made this was their idea of fun, both in literature and in film. The care given to the production is visible, but the film is mildly amusing at best. Persons under the age of sixteen might enjoy it a bit more, although by today's standards I suspect that age threshold is perhaps too high an estimation. As a final note, I add that the title is absurd, The White Rose would be a sensible alternative, for obvious reasons, not that this matters much in a film which plays so fast and loose with plausibility and common sense.

Rating: 41

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