Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Freakonomics (2010)

Several short nonfiction movies: (1) the effect of people's names on their lives; (2) how corruption appears, focusing specifically on Sumo wrestling; (3) understanding the drop in crime rates in the 90s; (4) a case study on monetary incentive to improve students' performance.

I would be hard pressed to describe its theme; they do it in the movie, and their description is bogus (what does the episode on abortion have to do with incentives of any kind?). It is mostly an interesting movie (the first segment is too weak, though) -- mildly so, to be more precise, but I haven't read the book, so...
What I don't understand is what is so unusual or revolutionary about it, it seems to me they coined a new name for something which was already there, or isn't even one thing, but several.
But I agree this is sound thinking, and hopefully it will educate some people. Kids and teens should watch it, I think, and read the book (but I haven't, so...).

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