Sunday, March 20, 2011

Panic Room (2002)

Some robbers break into a house and the house dwellers get into the "panic room" - an inviolable room designed for just such an occasion.

This is, on the whole, not a bad movie. Several people have complained about plot holes, and some of them make valid points. Most of these impossibilities are functional in the proposed diegesis. One of them is certainly not. It was pointed out at a user review on IMDB. Here it goes, word by word:

-beginning of quote-
A major flaw!, 11 March 2003

Author: delm from Vancouver

*** This review may contain spoilers ***

Plse note: spoilers below! I would have considered this movie to be a mediocre to fair thriller if not for one major flaw which ruined the whole movie for me. This flaw was the injection scene. Anyone who knows anything about diabetes knows that when someone is suffering from low blood sugar and verging on going into a coma the last thing you would do is inject them with insulin (which would just cause them to go into a coma that much faster and very likely kill them). Even if the syringe contained a sugar solution the film-makers should have known that to be the least bit effective this would have to have been injected directly into the blood stream not into stomach tissue. Not only is it insulting to diabetics everywhere that the film-makers couldn't even be bothered to get the facts right about this deadly disease, but this depiction could conceivably result in a tragedy. Anyone using this scene as a basic for trying to help someone who is suffering from low blood sugar could end up killing them. Other minor flaws with the movie: how could Forest Whitaker's character have know what Jodie Foster's character was doing when she was trying to ignite the gas, how likely is it that Jodie Foster's character would know how to reconnect the phone, pushing a light sofa in front of the door is not terribly effective in blocking the door which is made clear when Jodie Foster's character had no problem later in the movie in getting the front door open, etc., etc., etc. Very poorly thought out and executed. Shame on you guys.
--end of quote--

This is my second viewing of this movie. My previous rating was 35. I would gladly raise it a bit, but not after reading what this guy wrote (the medical facts of which, believe it or not, I knew, but was deceived by the movie all the same).

Rating: 35 (unchanged)

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