Saturday, October 03, 2009

Tom Horn (1980)

Beginning of the twentieth century: Tom Horn is a man with a large experience as a tracker. He comes to a small town where a series of cattle thefts is happening, and accepts a job as a "stock detective", that is, he is to hunt and kill the cattle thieves.

Lyrical - elegiacal to be exact - Western. Perhaps an imperfect film - e.g. the relationship between Horn and his girlfriend is rather sketchy and certain parts of it are unconvincing, e.g. her leaving him - but the center of the film - a man who is only half-aware of his self-destructive character, eventually meeting his demise - is as poetic as a film can be. The other of side of the coin, also well handled, is the sacrificial subtheme of society expelling the very instruments it uses for its advancement. All in all, a film worth seeing.

Rating: 60

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