Saturday, April 07, 2007

Hysterical Blindness (2002)

Synopsis: Two best friends are singles in their 30s and go to a bar almost every night in search of a male companion. Beth lives with her daughter and seems to never have been out of adolescence; Deb, who is the main focus of the movie, lives with her mother who waits tables at a diner. Deb is desperate to find a man and in her desperation she is incapable of reading men's real feelings toward her. She meets a guy who is not really interested in her - other than sexually, that is - and starts fantasizing about him.
Appraisal: Modest drama about feminine problems; the female characters are exaggerated, and the male ones are poorly defined. It's not without merit, though; its narrative is fluent and it has a certain amount of insight into women's psychology.
Rating: 48

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