Tuesday, December 19, 2023

The Monitors (1969)

 A group of aliens invades the Earth and establishes its dominance over mankind. Their tyranny is well meaning, and their objective is to eliminate wars and other chronic problems of our planet. Not everyone is happy, though, and a rebel group which aims at retaking power from the Monitors is formed. The film centers on an actor and pilot who does not accept the Monitors' rule, and the actress who is in love with him, but secretly works for the Monitors.

Comedy which has an interesting political dilemma as premise: must a dictatorship be rejected because it usually results in oppression and exploitation, or because suppressing freedom is intrinsically bad? There is little verbal discussion in the film, which prefers to concentrate on action and some humorous sketches which satirize political conformity. The result is not exactly brilliant or funny, but is not without some visual and verbal creativity.

Rating: 45

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