Saturday, September 03, 2022

Romero (1989)

 Based on the real life events which culminated in the murder of an archbishop in El Salvador in 1980. The government neglected the miserable condition in which many lived, and there was a guerilla movement which aimed at deposing it. Some members of the Church took the side of the poor, which was seen -- in some cases correctly -- as taking the side of the guerilla. Romero was reputed as a socially conservative bishop but he moderated his views after the murder of priests and the occupation of churches.

Well-made political drama. What is missing in the film, apart from some excitement, is an answer to the question: why do countries like El Salvador are permitted to exist? But perhaps the answer is in the film after all, when we see Romero send a letter to the U.S. asking them to stop sending arms to El Salvador. So, I gather that El Salvador's purpose is (or was at the time, anyway) to enrich American arms makers. If self-determination of the peoples entail what we see in this movie, or what we are seeing now in, say, Brazil, it's not really something of great value.

Rating: 45

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