Monday, October 04, 2021

The Count (1916)

 Third viewing; previously viewed on: January 24, 1990; June 18, 1996.

A tailor finds a letter in a customer's jacket addressed to a woman who is giving a ball. He decides to attend the ball impersonating said customer. The tailor's former assistant, by a coincidence, happens to be at the premises.

Passable short comedy which has some inventive moments and also some formulaic slapstick bits. Curiously, this is not exactly a satire of rich people. It's more like a conflict between the petty bourgeoisie and the lumpenproletariat, here personified respectively by a tailor and a guy who was fired by him for being completely incompetent. Due to it happening in a party of rich people, they get some collateral damage from the abovementioned conflict, which somehow adds to the comicity. A funny review of it can be read here.

Rating: 47 (unchanged)

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